07Jul 2024

How to get a job in Dubai or the Middle East?

Here are a few tips to find jobs in the Middle East and Asia Pacific

  • Your professional network, i.e., LinkedIn
  • Applying through a job consultancy
  • Apply for all activity at online job portals and company portals.

Be very active on LinkedIn: Don’t be over-selective while applying for jobs. Approach the right people in the right way.

There are a lot of job portals and recruitment agencies, and you can send your C.V. from anywhere.

  Many Middle Eastern companies hire through outsourcing. Working with an agency is very common and is still the best way to procure a job within the emirate. Some of the best-reviewed agencies include

  • BAC Middle East
  • Nathan & Nathan Human Resource Solutions
  • TASC Outsourcing
  • Star Services LLC
  • Reach Employment Services LLC
  • Innovations Group
  • First Select Employment Services
  • Dulsco
  • Adeeb Group

If you are financially sound, then the ideal way is to be here in the UAE for a visit visa but prepare a list of companies and HR email IDs for visa drops and then make a visit to all the companies you have listed with your research.

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